Camera Raw Plugin For Adobe Bridge Cs4 Mac Download

  1. Camera Raw Plugin For Adobe Bridge Cs4 Mac Download Free
  2. Camera Raw Plugin For Adobe Bridge Cs4 Mac Download Version

Hi Again,
Mac OS X 10.5.6 MBP PSCS4
Camera Raw Preferences are grayed out in Bridge CS4 and neither NEF nor DNG images can be viewed in the browser, just the icon for a NEG or DNG file. I have to open a file in Photoshop CS4 Camera Raw to see the image. I can't use Bridge as a browser under these conditions. I don't know when this happened but I had problems with the language in Photoshop CS4 Camera Raw and although I have just solved that problem, I still cannot due a reinstall of the Camera Raw plug-in because the Updater says it's already installed even when the File Formats folder is empty. I can't find an uninstaller for Camera Raw. Purging the cache in a folder with NEF and DNG images did not restore functionality.
I thank my lucky stars that I use LR 2.2 which has Camera Raw functionality baked in and is not dependent upon a plugin.
Anyone have any ideas about what's going on? A solution?

Thank you prodic
Your solution has reset Bridge back to normal
But what about all those preferences I had all set previously, next time if this happens again?
I mean, is there a way to save the preferences I make, or do I just have to suck it up and start from scratch everytime?
I didn't know of the ability to reset Bridge's settings etc...
For those that also would like to know how to get out of the predicament I got myself in, here is the link:
And the content:
Want all the options in Bridge set back to the factory defaults? Then close Bridge, hold down Command-Option-Shift (PC: Control-Alt-Shift) and then launch Bridge again. A dialog will appear asking what you want to do. Turn on the Reset Preferences checkbox and click OK. Now when Bridge appears, the preferences are factory-fresh.
And to think I first tried Adobe's way of resetting ( Mind you, to no avail either )
A big thank you all that helped me, or even endeavoured to help me
Warm Regards,

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  • Designed to streamline the workflow and jumpstart your creative vision, these presets for Adobe Camera Raw (ACR) help you get the most out of your Raw images in Adobe Photoshop CS6 or Creative Cloud. The collection includes 107 presets for quick and easy image optimization and to add effects such as: Cross Process, Glow, Tinting, Toners.
  • With Adobe Camera Raw, you can enhance raw images from many different cameras and import the images into various Adobe applications.Supported applications include Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, Lightroom, Photoshop Elements, After Effects, and Bridge.
  • Camera Raw 7.3 is now available as a final release through the update mechanism in Photoshop CS6. The goal of this release is to provide additional camera raw support, lens profile support and address bugs that were introduced in previous releases of Camera Raw.
  • Adobe Bridge is a powerful creative asset manager that lets you preview, organize, edit, and publish multiple creative assets quickly and easily. Add keywords, labels, and ratings to assets. Organize assets using collections, and find assets using powerful filters and advanced metadata search features.

Open Images in Camera Raw From Bridge. It’s simple to open Raw, JPEG and TIFF files from Adobe Bridge. Here are three different ways to get your photo from Bridge to Camera Raw: Double-click a raw file in the Content panel. The image opens in Camera Raw. Click once on any image – Raw, JPEG or TIFF, then press Ctrl + R (Windows) or Cmd.

  • I run an HP computer with Windows Vista 64 bit and have CS4. We also have a Canon 40D camera and shoot in camera raw format. When I download the images Bridge converts them into usable images. The last two times I've downloaded images, after converting them, Bridge showed a few of them as either not readable at all or with large chunks of the image whitened out. My husband shoots college football games and takes anywhere from 300 to 600 pictures at each game. October 14th was the first time we had problems, 5 or 6 shots out of 250 were showing up as corrupted. This last weekend there were 15 out of 307 images corrupted. Thinking that the card is going bad or we have a problem with the camera, we purchased a card rescue program Sandisk recommends to see if we could recover any of the images. It shows that all 307 images are on the card and in good condition. But, when I ran the recovered file through Bridge there were 31 images that are showing up as corrupted. I'm beginning to think there might be a problem in the conversion process and that it is getting worse each time it runs. Is this possible and if so, what can I do to correct it?
    Thanks for any help,

    Thanks Curt for the quick reply.
    After a very stressful afternoon it appears that the card recovery program I downloaded just accesses the thumbnails on the card when it previews them, not the actual images. It would have been nice if they told me that before I forked out the money for it, but.... So although it was telling me they were there, they were not. It wasn't until I viewed the files in Bridge that the corrupt images were showing up. It is also showing more corrupt images than actually are. When I view the card in Bridge I'm still seeing the original corrupt images. We are leaning toward a bad battery grip with our camera. He is going to shoot without it the next time he does a game and see if we still have the problem.
    Thanks again for your reply.

  • I have just migrated to a new Win 7 system. Fresh install of PS CS4, I found I could load CR2's into ACR but not jpg's. Wehn I tried to check Camera Raw preferences in Bridge I got message 'Camera Raw not enabled....' even though PS had been started several times. I tried to update to ACR 5.5 but got same message. I installed it manually as per instructions but still same result. Cannot load jpg's into ACR. I do not have this problem on two XP and one XPx64 systems.
    Is this a problem with win 7?

    I don't think you can restore Adobe programs with Time Machine and have them work properly. Can you uninstall, and install with disks?

  • updating cs4 to have camera raw 5.7 'installation encounters problem, please close adobe bridge', but adobe bridge is not open what should I do?

    Thank you for this reply mylenium.
    I tried the task manager and then end task but I have a warning window that opens up saying that doing this will destabilize the system.
    By the way to avoid having to upgrade to camera raw 5.7, I tried buying the cs6 upgrade but my order was blocked due to a system error so I have to wait several hours, cancel the order and try again. What is the matter with Adobe? They certainly do not make it easy to work with them.
    De : Mylenium [email protected]
    Envoyé : mardi 7 août 2012 14:03
    À : Marie Eleonore Lechat
    Objet : updating cs4 to have camera raw 5.7
    Re: updating cs4 to have camera raw 5.7
    created by Mylenium <> in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full <> discussion

  • hola, tras el cambio del sistema operativo de windos xp a windows 7 (no lo hice yo, no se como reinstalaron los programas), Bridge dejó de abrir camera raw y ajustes de color de la suite, arroja un error que dice que 'la aplicacion bridge principal no está activada' consulté en el foro y recomiendan reinstalar pero primero desactivar la suite y verifiqué que photoshop se encontrara activado, y me aparece deshabilitada toda la parte de activar, desactivar la aplicación, asi que no se que hacer porque para desinstalar la suite hay que desactivarla primero. Gracias

    Veo aqui dos problemas, uno en Bridge que no reconoce o encuentra Photoshop,
    y otro de que en Photoshop tienes en gris, no operativa, la parte del menu de Ayuda de Desactivar.
    Lo primero que creo deberías hacer es intentar enterarte de cómo migraron los programas a Windows 7,
    Si tienes instalados otros programas de la Suite CS6, tampoco en ninguno de ellos puedes desactivar la Suite desde el comando en Ayuda?
    (A veces tarda en conectar con servidores de Adobe, comprueba también que tengas una conexión activa a Internet)
    Respecto A Bridge, mira si en las Preferencias (Ctrl+K) en Asociación de tipos de Archivos, aparece o puedes asignar Adobe Bridge a varios formatos.

  • how can i view nikon images in photoshop? i have cs4 so the camera raw plug-in is not an option and i've lost my disk from the initial purchase of the D90.

    The NEF file only gives a little 'nef' icon. i was able to convert the NEF to DNG on the old computer and then brought the files over to the new computer. On the old computer, the NEF files were depicted as little jpeg's so I would be able to see a picture of what each file represented. On the new computer, both the NEF files and the DNG files are depicted with icons, 'nef' or 'dng', but not as little pictures. On the new computer, though, I am to import the DNG's into Adobe and edit them so that is working regardless of whether or not a picture is present for the icon of each file. I've downloaded the DNG converter from Adobe and will try the conversion directly on the new computer when I get home from work. I do appreciate your responses and will let you know how it works.
    I am curious then, since right now the files are represented by little 'nef's and little 'dng's: If I also download the viewNX (spelling might be wrong, sorry) from nikon, do you know if that maintains the file as a RAW format file but allows a picture representation of the RAW file for the icon? (That would make it easier to choose which RAW files I would choose to edit and which to not even bother with as an initial culling if that makes sense.

  • I had CS4 Extended installed on an HP laptop that recently died. I have a Canon 5D Mark II and have been using camera raw with CR2's off of that camera for at least 2 years.
    I still have the disks so I reinstalled the Photoshop on the new computer. Now I can't open CR2's. It says the file type is not correct. Same program, no freaky updates so why won't it recognize them?

    The 5D Mark II was first supported in Camera Raw 5.2
    Camera Raw plug-in | Supported cameras
    CS4 shipped with Camera Raw 5.0 so by re-installing CS4 you've reverted to Camera Raw 5.0 which cannot read 5D Mark II Raw files.
    Camera Raw-compatible Adobe applications
    In CS4, click Help > Updates to re-install Camera Raw 5.7 and you can once again edit 5D Mark II Raw files.

  • Which PS Elements has min camera raw 7.3 plug-in?

    Please post Photoshop Elements related queries over at

  • I just installed CS4, and get the following when trying CTRL-R:
    'Camera Raw editing is not enabled.
    Camera Raw editing requires that a qualifying product has been launched at least once to enable this feature.'
    What the heck qualifying product is supposed to be launched, and how can I enable RAW in Bridge?

    Hi, I had some experiences that may help. Am now able to edit camera raw preferences and open in camera raw 5.2. A license issue apparently was causing problems.
    I purchased a new computer with Vista 64 bits and deactivated Photoshop CS4 (32 bits) on my old computer and installed it on the new computer. I successfully activated CS4 on the new computer. But there were problems with the 64-bit version.
    When Bridge was open I could bring a raw file into camera raw (camera raw window now states that it is version 5.2) by double-clicking on its thumbnail. I could then edit the file in camera raw and open it in Photoshop and further modify it there. I could also open a camera raw file through Bridge by selecting it and using the file command to 'open with'. The only choice under that command is 'Adobe Photoshop CS4 (default).
    If I selected a file in Bridge and use the command through the file menu to open the raw file in camera raw, I got a window that stated 'Camera Raw editing is not enabled. Camera raw editing requires that a qualifying product has been launched at least once to enable this feature.' I get the same error message if I attempt to edit camera raw preferences.
    If I opened up file Explorer and select a raw file and double-clicked on it, the file opened up in camera raw version 5.2.
    If I opened up the 32-bit version of Adobe Photoshop CS4, I was able to open up raw files by using the command 'open in camera raw.' I was able with that command to simultaneously open several raw files into camera raw.
    I tried various fixes for the 64-bit version such as successfully updating through the update choice on the menu and when that did not work downloaded the camera raw version 5.2 files and manually put them into place. The fixes did not work.
    I had prepared an e-mail to Adobe Photoshop help when I decided to run Photoshop again on my new computer. While I was working with a file in Photoshop, a screen came up stating that I had only 29 days remaining on my new computer for using Photoshop because I was using Photoshop CS4 on two other computers.
    I went to the old computer and found that Photoshop CS4 had re-activated itself-- possibly because preferences in it were for Bridge to start up with logon. When I had deactivated Photoshop CS4 on the old computer, I had let it retain the serial number on the old computer.
    I called customer support at Adobe and was connected with someone in India. To my astonishment when I asked for help in correctly deactivating Photoshop on my old computer and keeping it from becoming active again, he said that that was a technical issue. He wanted to arrange for me to be able to run Photoshop on three different computers. At least that is what I think he wanted. It was very difficult to understand him. I could understand the words but what he said didn't seem to make sense. For instance at one point he referred to my Photoshop as version 11 and we had an argument over whether or not I had CS4 or version 11. He wanted me to select menu items that did not exist.
    I finally gave up and said goodbye to the gentleman in India. I then again deactivated Photoshop on my old computer and this time told it to remove the serial number. I then attempted to restart Photoshop on my old computer and was told that it was not licensed.
    Then I started the 64-bit version on my new computer, and everything worked properly.
    Sorry for the long e-mail, but people with problems might want to be sure that Photoshop did not reactivate itself on an older computer -- as weird is that sounds.

  • I am unable to open photos in Camera Raw after my Bridge Force closed in CS4. Does anyone have any suggestions?

    To uninstall CS4, use the Adobe Uninstaller provided by Adobe when you first installed it.
    Then re-install from scratch, from the original media, CD/DVD or download.

  • I can't preview Raw thumbnails in Bridge cs4 from my 5d mark ii. I can open them but not preview them. I installed plugin 5.3 update in the right place but no cigar. A year ago I had the same problem with another computer and I adjusted a slider which corrected everything. I'm on a Mac os 10.8. Please help.

    If there are no images on the hard-drive, do you mean you are you viewing old images off an external drive, then, or perhaps off the camera’s memory card in a card reader?
    To simplify things, try using Finder to copy a brand-new 5D.2 image from a memory card to a newly created folder on your internal hard-drive and then look at it with Bridge and see what happens. Also try flipping to high-quality thumbnails in Bridge.
    Otherwise, someone with Mac experience may have to chime in, to confirm if a Mac version of Bridge has its own version of Camera Raw separate from Photoshop, with the possibility of only the PS one has been updated, somehow. You could do a search of your entire hard-drive and see how many Camera Raw plug-ins you find and if their timestamps all match the most recent one you updated. You could also do an Adobe Plug-Ins within Photoshop and see if there is more than one instance listed. This happens if a new ACR is put into the wrong folder and PS still finds it during the initial plug-in scan.
    If Adobe has a fix, then someone here likely knows what it is.
    To confirm, your subject says RAW Preview, but you’re not able to see either thumbnails or the larger one-at-a-time previews, and the only thing that seems to work is when you choose Open in Camera Raw from w/in Bridge, you can see it and work with it.

  • I just updated to Adobe Camera Raw 9.0 on 4/28/2015. MAC OS 10.9.5 with PSCS 6 extended.
    When I insert my CF memory card to download images, only icons appear. Images were there last week when CR 8.8 was installed.
    Also note, Convert to DNG is greyed out. No option to convert to DNG on the download.
    I tried to locate the Camera Raw.plugin file, but can not find it. It is no longer in the Application folder/Adobe Photoshop CS6/File Format folder.
    Also tried to locate Camera Raw.plugin 8.8 on Adobe's site, it takes you to Camera Raw 9.0.
    I just need the Camera Raw.plugin file and where to place the file. Need to remove Camera Raw 9.0.
    Image below is Adobe_Bridge_CS6_Photo_Downloader_Camera_RAW_8.8.
    Jim D
    Washington, D.C.

    Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0.6 (13.0.6 20131025.r.54 2013/10/25:21:00:00) x64
    Operating System: Mac OS 10.9.5
    System architecture: Intel CPU Family:6, Model:26, Stepping:5 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3, SSE4.1, SSE4.2, HyperThreading
    Physical processor count: 8
    Logical processor count: 16
    Processor speed: 2659 MHz
    Built-in memory: 16384 MB
    Free memory: 10734 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 15458 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 71 %
    Image tile size: 1028K
    Image cache levels: 2
    OpenGL Drawing: Enabled.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Advanced
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: True.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    OpenCL Version: 1.2 (Jul 29 2014 21:24:39)
    OpenGL Version: 2.1
    Video Rect Texture Size: 8192
    OpenGL Memory: 500 MB
    Video Card Vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
    Video Card Renderer: ATI Radeon HD 4870 OpenGL Engine
    Display: 1
    Main Display
    Display Depth: 32
    Display Bounds: top=0, left=0, bottom=1200, right=1920
    Video Renderer ID: 16914951
    Video Card Memory: 512 MB
    Application folder: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/
    Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
    Scratch volume(s):
    MAC HD 2, 267.3G, 267.0G free
    Photoshop Scratch Disk, 30.4G, 29.9G free
    Required Plug-ins folder: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Adobe Photoshop
    Primary Plug-ins folder: /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CS6/Plug-ins/
    Additional Plug-ins folder: not set
    Installed components:
    adbeape.framework adbeape 66.1025012
    AdbeScriptUIFlex.framework AdbeScriptUIFlex 66.490082
    adobe_caps.framework adobe_caps 1.276181
    AdobeACE.framework AdobeACE 66.507768
    AdobeAGM.framework AdobeAGM 66.507768
    AdobeAXE8SharedExpat.framework AdobeAXE8SharedExpat 66.26830
    AdobeAXEDOMCore.framework AdobeAXEDOMCore 66.26830
    AdobeBIB.framework AdobeBIB 66.507768
    AdobeBIBUtils.framework AdobeBIBUtils 1.1.01 66.507768
    AdobeCoolType.framework AdobeCoolType 66.507768
    AdobeCrashReporter.framework AdobeCrashReporter 6.0.20120720
    AdobeExtendScript.framework AdobeExtendScript 66.490082
    AdobeJP2K.framework AdobeJP2K 66.236923
    AdobeLinguistic.framework 17206
    AdobeMPS.framework AdobeMPS 66.495174
    AdobeOwl.framework AdobeOwl 5.0.4 79.517869
    AdobePDFL.framework AdobePDFL 66.419471
    AdobePDFSettings.framework AdobePDFSettings 1.4
    AdobePIP.framework AdobePIP
    AdobeScCore.framework AdobeScCore 66.490082
    AdobeUpdater.framework AdobeUpdater '52.338651'
    AdobeXMP.framework AdobeXMPCore 66.145661 66.145661
    AdobeXMPFiles.framework AdobeXMPFiles 66.145661 66.145661
    AdobeXMPScript.framework AdobeXMPScript 66.145661 66.145661
    ahclient.framework ahclient
    aif_core.framework AdobeAIF 3.0.00 62.490293
    aif_ocl.framework AdobeAIF 3.0.00 62.490293
    aif_ogl.framework AdobeAIF 3.0.00 62.490293
    AlignmentLib.framework xcode
    amtlib.framework amtlib
    boost_date_time.framework boost_date_time
    boost_signals.framework boost_signals
    boost_system.framework boost_system
    boost_threads.framework boost_threads
    Cg.framework NVIDIA Cg
    CIT.framework CIT 146758
    data_flow.framework AdobeAIF 3.0.00 62.490293
    dvaaudiodevice.framework dvaaudiodevice
    dvacore.framework dvacore
    dvamarshal.framework dvamarshal
    dvamediatypes.framework dvamediatypes
    dvaplayer.framework dvaplayer
    dvatransport.framework dvatransport
    dvaunittesting.framework dvaunittesting
    dynamiclink.framework dynamiclink
    FileInfo.framework FileInfo 66.145433 66.145433
    filter_graph.framework AdobeAIF 3.0.00 62.490293
    hydra_filters.framework AdobeAIF 3.0.00 62.490293
    ICUConverter.framework ICUConverter 3.61 'gtlib_3.0' '.' '16615'
    ICUData.framework ICUData 3.61 'gtlib_3.0' '.' '16615'
    image_compiler.framework AdobeAIF 3.0.00 62.490293
    image_flow.framework AdobeAIF 3.0.00 62.490293
    image_runtime.framework AdobeAIF 3.0.00 62.490293
    LogSession.framework LogSession
    mediacoreif.framework mediacoreif
    PlugPlug.framework PlugPlug
    UpdaterNotifications.framework UpdaterNotifications ''
    Required plug-ins:
    3D Studio 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “U3D.plugin”
    Accented Edges 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Adaptive Wide Angle 13.0, Copyright © 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Adaptive Wide Angle.plugin”
    Angled Strokes 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Average 13.0.6 x001 ©1993-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Average.plugin”
    Bas Relief 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    BMP 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Camera Raw 8.8.0 (397), Copyright © 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Camera Raw.plugin”
    Camera Raw Filter 8.8.0 (397), Copyright © 2015 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Camera Raw.plugin”
    Chalk & Charcoal 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Charcoal 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Chrome 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Cineon 13.0.6 x001 ©2002-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Cineon.plugin”
    Clouds 13.0.6 x001 ©1993-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Clouds.plugin”
    Collada DAE 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “U3D.plugin”
    Color Halftone 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Colored Pencil 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    CompuServe GIF 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Conté Crayon 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Craquelure 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Crop and Straighten Photos 13.0.6 x001 ©2003-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “CropPhotosAuto.plugin”
    Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Crosshatch 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Crystallize 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Cutout 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Dark Strokes 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    De-Interlace 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Dicom 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “dicom.plugin”
    Difference Clouds 13.0.6 x001 ©1993-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Clouds.plugin”
    Diffuse Glow 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Displace 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Dry Brush 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Eazel Acquire 13.0.6 x001 ©1997-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “EazelAcquire.plugin”
    Embed Watermark NO VERSION - from the file “DigiSign.plugin”
    Entropy 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “statistics.plugin”
    Extrude 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    FastCore Routines 13.0.6 x001 ©1990-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “FastCore.plugin”
    Fibers 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Film Grain 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Filter Gallery 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Flash 3D 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “U3D.plugin”
    Fresco 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Glass 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Glowing Edges 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Google Earth 4 KMZ 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “U3D.plugin”
    Grain 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Graphic Pen 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Halftone Pattern 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    HDRMergeUI 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “HDRMergeUI.plugin”
    IFF Format 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Ink Outlines 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    JPEG 2000 13.0.6 x001 ©2001-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “JPEG2000.plugin”
    Kurtosis 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “statistics.plugin”
    Lens Blur 13.0, Copyright © 2002-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Lens Blur.plugin”
    Lens Correction 13.0, Copyright © 2002-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Lens Correct.plugin”
    Lens Flare 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Liquify 13.0, Copyright © 2001-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Liquify.plugin”
    Matlab Operation 13.0.6 x001 ©1993-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “ChannelPort.plugin”
    Maximum 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “statistics.plugin”
    Mean 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “statistics.plugin”
    Measurement Core 13.0.6 x001 ©1993-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “MeasurementCore.plugin”
    Median 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “statistics.plugin”
    Mezzotint 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Minimum 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “statistics.plugin”
    MMXCore Routines 13.0.6 x001 ©1990-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “MMXCore.plugin”
    Mosaic Tiles 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Multiprocessor Support 13.0.6 x001 ©1990-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “MultiProcessor Support.plugin”
    Neon Glow 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Note Paper 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    NTSC Colors 13.0.6 x001 ©1993-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “NTSC Colors.plugin”
    Ocean Ripple 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Oil Paint 13.0, Copyright © 2011 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Oil Paint.plugin”
    OpenEXR 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Paint Daubs 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Palette Knife 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Patchwork 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Paths to Illustrator 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    PCX 13.0.6 x001 ©1989-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “PCX.plugin”
    Photocopy 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Photoshop 3D Engine 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Photoshop3DEngine.plugin”
    Picture Package Filter 13.0.6 x001 ©1993-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “ChannelPort.plugin”
    Pinch 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Pixar 13.0.6 x001 ©1989-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Pixar.plugin”
    Plaster 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Plastic Wrap 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    PNG 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Pointillize 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Polar Coordinates 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Portable Bit Map 13.0.6 x001 ©1989-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “PBM.plugin”
    Poster Edges 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Radial Blur 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Radiance 13.0.6 x001 ©2003-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Radiance.plugin”
    Range 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “statistics.plugin”
    Read Watermark NO VERSION - from the file “DigiRead.plugin”
    Reticulation 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Ripple 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Rough Pastels 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Save for Web 13.0, Copyright © 1999-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Save for Web.plugin”
    ScriptingSupport 13.0, Copyright © 2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “ScriptingSupport.plugin”
    Shear 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Skewness 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “statistics.plugin”
    Smart Blur 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Smudge Stick 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Solarize 13.0.6 x001 ©1993-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Solarize.plugin”
    Spatter 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Spherize 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Sponge 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Sprayed Strokes 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Stained Glass 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Stamp 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Standard Deviation 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “statistics.plugin”
    STL 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “U3D.plugin”
    Sumi-e 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Summation 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “statistics.plugin”
    Targa 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Texturizer 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Tiles 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Torn Edges 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Twirl 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Underpainting 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Vanishing Point 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “VanishingPoint.plugin”
    Variance 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “statistics.plugin”
    Water Paper 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Watercolor 13.0, Copyright © 1991-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Filter Gallery.plugin”
    Wave 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Wavefront|OBJ 13.0.6 x001 ©2006-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “U3D.plugin”
    Wind 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Wireless Bitmap 13.0.6 x001 ©1989-2013 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “WBMP.plugin”
    ZigZag 13.0, Copyright © 2003-2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated - from the file “Standard Multiplugin.plugin”
    Optional and third party plug-ins:
    Color Efex Pro 3.0 Wacom Edition 6 NO VERSION - from the file “CEP3WacomEdition6.plugin”
    Imacon 3f NO VERSION - from the file “Imacon3F.plugin”
    Nik Selective Tool NO VERSION - from the file “SelectivePalette.plugin”
    Plug-ins that failed to load:
    BMP NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “BMP.plugin”
    Color Halftone NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Color Halftone.plugin”
    CompuServe GIF NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “GIF.plugin”
    Crop and Straighten Photos Filter NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “CropPhotos.plugin”
    Crystallize NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Crystallize.plugin”
    De-Interlace NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “De-Interlace.plugin”
    Displace NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Displace.plugin”
    Extract NO VERSION - The plug-in Extract is too old to run in CS6 - from the file “ExtractPlus.plugin”
    Extrude NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Extrude.plugin”
    Fibers NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Fibers.plugin”
    Filmstrip NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “FilmStrip.plugin”
    FXG NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “FXG.plugin”
    IFF Format NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “IFF Format.plugin”
    Imacon 3f NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Imacon 3f.plugin”
    Lens Flare NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Lens Flare.plugin”
    Mezzotint NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Mezzotint.plugin”
    OpenEXR NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “OpenEXR.plugin”
    Pattern Maker NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “PatternMaker.plugin”
    Photo CD NO VERSION - - from the file “PhotoCD.plugin”
    Pinch NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Pinch.plugin”
    PNG NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “PNG.plugin”
    Pointillize NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Pointillize.plugin”
    Polar Coordinates NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Polar.plugin”
    Radial Blur NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Radial Blur.plugin”
    Ripple NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Ripple.plugin”
    ScriptListener NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “ScriptingListener.plugin”
    Shear NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Shear.plugin”
    Smart Blur NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Smart Blur.plugin”
    Spherize NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Spherize.plugin”
    Targa NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Targa.plugin”
    Tiles NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Tiles.plugin”
    Twirl NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Twirl.plugin”
    Wave NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Wave.plugin”
    Wind NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “Wind.plugin”
    ZigZag NO VERSION - 32-bit plug-in not supported in 64-bit - from the file “ZigZag.plugin”
    Mini Bridge
    Installed TWAIN devices: NONE

  • I have a folder with 32,000 frames from a time-lapse project that I'm doing. I'd like to apply the same camera raw adjustments to all of these files, and so follow one of the two methods below - neither of which are working with such a large set of files:
    Method 1:
    Select all files, open in camera raw.
    Apply changes to the first image
    Select all images, then synchronize the changes to all other images.
    Unfortunately selecting 'Open in Camera Raw...' just leaves bridge to hang. It's using a lot of memory and processor time, so I would assume it's working, but there's no progress bar or similar to indicate that it is.
    Method 2:
    Open first file in Camera Raw
    Apply all changes, and exit camera raw.
    Select all files in Bridge, right click on one and select 'Develop Settings -> Previous Conversion'
    Unfortunately the final step again leaves bridge just thinking. I waited around an hour, closed bridge, but unfortunately when I opened it again there was no sign that it had copied the camera raw settings onto any of the other files. My computer's pretty slow (see below) but it should have written one xmp file in an hour.
    Does anyone have any workarounds other than repeating the process 32 times for 1000 images at a time?
    System Info From Photoshop:
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00) x64
    Operating System: Windows Vista 64-bit
    Version: 6.0 Service Pack 2
    System architecture: AMD CPU Family:15, Model:15, Stepping:2 with MMX, SSE Integer, SSE FP, SSE2, SSE3
    Physical processor count: 1
    Processor speed: 1808 MHz
    Built-in memory: 8062 MB
    Free memory: 4508 MB
    Memory available to Photoshop: 7140 MB
    Memory used by Photoshop: 70 %
    Image tile size: 132K
    Image cache levels: 4
    OpenGL Drawing: Disabled.
    OpenGL Drawing Mode: Basic
    OpenGL Allow Normal Mode: False.
    OpenGL Allow Advanced Mode: False.
    OpenGL Allow Old GPUs: Not Detected.
    Video Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
    Video Card Renderer: GeForce 6150SE nForce 430/PCI/SSE2
    Display: 1
    Display Bounds:= top: 0, left: 0, bottom: 1024, right: 1280
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    Video Card: NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430
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    Driver Version:
    Driver Date: 20110521050100.000000-000
    Video Card Driver: nvd3dumx.dll,nvd3dum
    Video Mode: 1280 x 1024 x 4294967296 colors
    Video Card Caption: NVIDIA GeForce 6150SE nForce 430
    Video Card Memory: 128 MB
    Video Rect Texture Size: 4096
    Serial number: Tryout Version
    Application folder: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)
    Temporary file path: C:UsersMARTIN~1AppDataLocalTemp
    Photoshop scratch has async I/O enabled
    Scratch volume(s):
    H:, 279.5G, 50.4G free
    D:, 149.0G, 108.1G free
    E:, 74.5G, 46.1G free
    Required Plug-ins folder: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)Required
    Primary Plug-ins folder: C:Program FilesAdobeAdobe Photoshop CS6 (64 Bit)Plug-ins
    Additional Plug-ins folder: not set
    Installed components:
    A3DLIBS.dll A3DLIB Dynamic Link Library
    ACE.dll ACE 2012/01/18-15:07:40 66.492997 66.492997
    adbeape.dll Adobe APE 2012/01/25-10:04:55 66.1025012 66.1025012
    AdobeLinguistic.dll Adobe Linguisitc Library 6.0.0
    AdobeOwl.dll Adobe Owl 2012/02/09-16:00:02 4.0.93 66.496052
    AdobePDFL.dll PDFL 2011/12/12-16:12:37 66.419471 66.419471
    AdobePIP.dll Adobe Product Improvement Program
    AdobeXMP.dll Adobe XMP Core 2012/02/06-14:56:27 66.145661 66.145661
    AdobeXMPFiles.dll Adobe XMP Files 2012/02/06-14:56:27 66.145661 66.145661
    AdobeXMPScript.dll Adobe XMP Script 2012/02/06-14:56:27 66.145661 66.145661
    adobe_caps.dll Adobe CAPS 5,0,10,0
    AGM.dll AGM 2012/01/18-15:07:40 66.492997 66.492997
    ahclient.dll AdobeHelp Dynamic Link Library 1,7,0,56
    aif_core.dll AIF 3.0 62.490293
    aif_ocl.dll AIF 3.0 62.490293
    aif_ogl.dll AIF 3.0 62.490293
    amtlib.dll AMTLib (64 Bit) (BuildVersion: 6.0; BuildDate: Mon Jan 16 2012 18:00:00) 1.000000
    ARE.dll ARE 2012/01/18-15:07:40 66.492997 66.492997
    AXE8SharedExpat.dll AXE8SharedExpat 2011/12/16-15:10:49 66.26830 66.26830
    AXEDOMCore.dll AXEDOMCore 2011/12/16-15:10:49 66.26830 66.26830
    Bib.dll BIB 2012/01/18-15:07:40 66.492997 66.492997
    BIBUtils.dll BIBUtils 2012/01/18-15:07:40 66.492997 66.492997
    boost_date_time.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    boost_signals.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    boost_system.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    boost_threads.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    cg.dll NVIDIA Cg Runtime 3.0.00007
    cgGL.dll NVIDIA Cg Runtime 3.0.00007
    CIT.dll Adobe CIT
    CoolType.dll CoolType 2012/01/18-15:07:40 66.492997 66.492997
    data_flow.dll AIF 3.0 62.490293
    dvaaudiodevice.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    dvacore.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    dvamarshal.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    dvamediatypes.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    dvaplayer.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    dvatransport.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    dvaunittesting.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    dynamiclink.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    ExtendScript.dll ExtendScript 2011/12/14-15:08:46 66.490082 66.490082
    FileInfo.dll Adobe XMP FileInfo 2012/01/17-15:11:19 66.145433 66.145433
    filter_graph.dll AIF 3.0 62.490293
    hydra_filters.dll AIF 3.0 62.490293
    icucnv40.dll International Components for Unicode 2011/11/15-16:30:22 Build gtlib_3.0.16615
    icudt40.dll International Components for Unicode 2011/11/15-16:30:22 Build gtlib_3.0.16615
    image_compiler.dll AIF 3.0 62.490293
    image_flow.dll AIF 3.0 62.490293
    image_runtime.dll AIF 3.0 62.490293
    JP2KLib.dll JP2KLib 2011/12/12-16:12:37 66.236923 66.236923
    libifcoremd.dll Intel(r) Visual Fortran Compiler 10.0 (Update A)
    libmmd.dll Intel(r) C Compiler, Intel(r) C++ Compiler, Intel(r) Fortran Compiler 10.0
    LogSession.dll LogSession
    mediacoreif.dll DVA Product 6.0.0
    MPS.dll MPS 2012/02/03-10:33:13 66.495174 66.495174
    msvcm80.dll Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005 8.00.50727.6195
    msvcm90.dll Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008 9.00.30729.1
    msvcp100.dll Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 10.00.40219.1
    msvcp80.dll Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005 8.00.50727.6195
    msvcp90.dll Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008 9.00.30729.1
    msvcr100.dll Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2010 10.00.40219.1
    msvcr80.dll Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2005 8.00.50727.6195
    msvcr90.dll Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2008 9.00.30729.1
    pdfsettings.dll Adobe PDFSettings 1.04
    Photoshop.dll Adobe Photoshop CS6 CS6
    Plugin.dll Adobe Photoshop CS6 CS6
    PlugPlug.dll Adobe(R) CSXS PlugPlug Standard Dll (64 bit)
    PSArt.dll Adobe Photoshop CS6 CS6
    PSViews.dll Adobe Photoshop CS6 CS6
    SCCore.dll ScCore 2011/12/14-15:08:46 66.490082 66.490082
    ScriptUIFlex.dll ScriptUIFlex 2011/12/14-15:08:46 66.490082 66.490082
    tbb.dll Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows 3, 0, 2010, 0406
    tbbmalloc.dll Intel(R) Threading Building Blocks for Windows 3, 0, 2010, 0406
    TfFontMgr.dll FontMgr
    TfKernel.dll Kernel
    TFKGEOM.dll Kernel Geom
    TFUGEOM.dll Adobe, UGeom©
    updaternotifications.dll Adobe Updater Notifications Library (BuildVersion: 1.0; BuildDate: BUILDDATETIME)
    WRServices.dll WRServices Friday January 27 2012 13:22:12 Build 0.17112 0.17112
    wu3d.dll U3D Writer
    Required plug-ins:
    3D Studio 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Accented Edges 13.0
    Adaptive Wide Angle 13.0
    ADM 3.11x01
    Angled Strokes 13.0
    Average 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Bas Relief 13.0
    BMP 13.0
    Camera Raw 7.0
    Chalk & Charcoal 13.0
    Charcoal 13.0
    Chrome 13.0
    Cineon 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Clouds 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Collada 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Color Halftone 13.0
    Colored Pencil 13.0
    CompuServe GIF 13.0
    Conté Crayon 13.0
    Craquelure 13.0
    Crop and Straighten Photos 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Crop and Straighten Photos Filter 13.0
    Crosshatch 13.0
    Crystallize 13.0
    Cutout 13.0
    Dark Strokes 13.0
    De-Interlace 13.0
    Dicom 13.0
    Difference Clouds 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Diffuse Glow 13.0
    Displace 13.0
    Dry Brush 13.0
    Eazel Acquire 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Embed Watermark 4.0
    Entropy 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Extrude 13.0
    FastCore Routines 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Fibers 13.0
    Film Grain 13.0
    Filter Gallery 13.0
    Flash 3D 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Fresco 13.0
    Glass 13.0
    Glowing Edges 13.0
    Google Earth 4 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Grain 13.0
    Graphic Pen 13.0
    Halftone Pattern 13.0
    HDRMergeUI 13.0
    IFF Format 13.0
    Ink Outlines 13.0
    JPEG 2000 13.0
    Kurtosis 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Lens Blur 13.0
    Lens Correction 13.0
    Lens Flare 13.0
    Liquify 13.0
    Matlab Operation 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Maximum 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Mean 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Measurement Core 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Median 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Mezzotint 13.0
    Minimum 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    MMXCore Routines 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Mosaic Tiles 13.0
    Multiprocessor Support 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Neon Glow 13.0
    Note Paper 13.0
    NTSC Colors 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Ocean Ripple 13.0
    Oil Paint 13.0
    OpenEXR 13.0
    Paint Daubs 13.0
    Palette Knife 13.0
    Patchwork 13.0
    Paths to Illustrator 13.0
    PCX 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Photocopy 13.0
    Photoshop 3D Engine 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Picture Package Filter 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Pinch 13.0
    Pixar 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Plaster 13.0
    Plastic Wrap 13.0
    PNG 13.0
    Pointillize 13.0
    Polar Coordinates 13.0
    Portable Bit Map 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Poster Edges 13.0
    Radial Blur 13.0
    Radiance 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Range 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Read Watermark 4.0
    Reticulation 13.0
    Ripple 13.0
    Rough Pastels 13.0
    Save for Web 13.0
    ScriptingSupport 13.0
    Shear 13.0
    Skewness 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Smart Blur 13.0
    Smudge Stick 13.0
    Solarize 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Spatter 13.0
    Spherize 13.0
    Sponge 13.0
    Sprayed Strokes 13.0
    Stained Glass 13.0
    Stamp 13.0
    Standard Deviation 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Sumi-e 13.0
    Summation 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Targa 13.0
    Texturizer 13.0
    Tiles 13.0
    Torn Edges 13.0
    Twirl 13.0
    U3D 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Underpainting 13.0
    Vanishing Point 13.0
    Variance 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Variations 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Water Paper 13.0
    Watercolor 13.0
    Wave 13.0
    Wavefront|OBJ 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    WIA Support 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    Wind 13.0
    Wireless Bitmap 13.0 (13.0 20120305.m.415 2012/03/05:21:00:00)
    ZigZag 13.0
    Optional and third party plug-ins: NONE
    Plug-ins that failed to load: NONE
    Mini Bridge
    Installed TWAIN devices: NONE

    The files are only 2MP each, and I have the same issue when I apply the changes to RAW files and JPG files. The error occurs though before any changes are applied, before the images would need to be recached, as when the error doesn't occur the dialogue box I mentioned pops up asking what to change.
    Your specs sound more then enough I would think. Do you have set the option to Write cache to folders when possible and if so could you uncheck that option?
    I don't have experience with this kind of numbers but I do dump the Bridge cache manually on a regular base (every new cycle it seems to be more stable so more interval in the periods of dumping cache) but my main folder contains usually around 6 to 7 K of DNG files from 21 MP dSLR. This starts caching without problems but takes a few hours before done.
    Can't use the option cache for folder due to a longstanding problem with error message to replace the CacheT file, hence my question about your setting.
    Also I have set the option to previews Always HQ and in the prefs have set the option to build monitor size previews.
    As said, don't know the large numbers but the 2 MP files are very small and it should be possible for Bridge I would think?
    Did you also try to create a new folder and place the files inthere. Or divide them in to three folders for testing?

  • Photoshop CS4 upgrade was my Christmas present this year. I've been fighting this annoying 'problem' ever since then...
    I DO see this 'problem' on my desktop PC, which is a Dell XPS-400 PC (with 2 GB of memory) running Windows XP (Media Center Edition) with SP3 installed. I DO NOT see this 'problem' on my laptop, which is a Dell XPS-1530 (4 GB of memory) running Windows Vista SP1. I installed the Photoshop CS4 software exactly the same way on both machines, and I have the preferences set the same in both Photoshop and Bridge (and Camera Raw) on both machines.
    Here's the situation: I first open Photoshop CS4 and then click on the Bridge icon in the Application Bar to open Bridge. When I use Bridge to open a photo, by either double-clicking the thumbnail, or right-clicking on the thumbnail and choose 'Open' from the context menu, there is a 42 second delay before Photoshop opens the file. This long delay only occurs when opening the very first file.
    Once that first image file is opened, double-clicking any thumbnail in Bridge will have it open in Photoshop CS4 in about 2 seconds. There will never be another long delay in having Bridge pass a file to Photoshop (or Camera Raw) again - until I close the applications and restart them. Once I restart the applications, the first photo takes 42 seconds to open....
    This delay does not occur in opening the first image file if I right-click on the thumbnail in Bridge CS4 and choose 'Open With' and manually choose Photoshop CS4.
    Even if that is how I open the first (or several) image file(s), the first time I try to open a file from Bridge by double-clicking on a thumbnail (or right-click on a thumbnail and choose 'Open') there will be that annoying 42 second delay before it opens.
    It does not matter what the file format the first image file is (JPG, PSD, TIFF, or DNG), or what the file format of any subsequent image file is. As long as I do not close the Bridge and Photoshop applications, any subsequent file will be passed from Bridge to Photoshop in only a couple of seconds.
    I have manually set the File Name Extensions in Windows XP, and in the Preferences in Bridge. Both have been set to open the file types listed above with Photoshop CS4.
    I have uninstalled CS4, and have used two seperate Registry cleaners (CCleaner and jv16 Power Tools) before re-installing Photoshop CS4. This had no effect on this situation. I've run 'chkdsk C: /r' several times, with no problems reported.
    I have been searching through these forums for over 2 weeks now, and I have not seen anyone else report such a problem. I use my XP desktop much more than my Vista laptop, so I'd really like to fix this situation, but I don't know what else to try.
    Gregg Mack

    Thanks for all of your suggestions. I tried them all, but the problem remains exactly as it was. To properly document my efforts:
    In Bridge's Preferences, I Purged and Compacted the Bridge Cache, then changed it's location to D:Bridge_Cache (D: is a second physical internal SATA drive).
    I can not tell the exact size the Cache is set to, but the slider in Bridge's Preference is very close to the left end (10,000) of the slider.
    The Windows Page File is set to 3072 MB min and 4096 max, and it is entirely on the D: drive. (I have 2GB of physical RAM in the PC.)
    I defragmented the C: drive using Diskeeper 2008 Pro Premier, and even ran a Boot Time Defrag.
    Rather than set some exclusions for Norton Anti-Virus, I jsut disbled that Virus checking program for all of my experiments.
    I deleted the Bridge Preference File by holding down the Ctrl key as Bridge was restarted.
    I even deleted the entire contents of the C:WindowsPrefetch folder. I then rebooted the PC - twice. I then re-disabled Norton Anti-Virus.
    The PC is approaching 3 years of age, but it is a 3.2 GHz Pentium D machine with 2 GB of RAM and two internal SATA drives. Every other application that I run on this machine responds reponsively. Again it is only the FIRST image file that I have Bridge hand off to Photoshop (or Camera Raw) that takes forever. The second and subsequent image files take a second or two.... That doesn't sound like it's an 'old hardware' problem to me.
    I'm willing to try anything else that you, or anyone else would like to suggest.
    Gregg Mack

  • I have Photoshop/Bridge CS4 which used to read CR2 Raw files fine from old Canon [email protected] I've just purchased a Canon 70D. Bridge CS4 will read the MOV video files fine, but not the Raw CR2. I've downloaded and installed Adobe DNG Converter 8.5, but when I open it and it asks to open files to convert, the CR2 files are still unreadable and greyed out. I'm on a Mac OSX 10.9.4. Is there some way I could preview RAW files from the 70D in Bridge CS4, and open in Camera Raw?

    You need to upgrade to PSE12. Alternatively, download and install the free Adobe DNG converter to convert your raw files to the Adobe universal Raw format and the files will open in all versions of PSE (keep your originals as backups and for use in the camera manufactures software) You could also use the Canon software that came with your camera to convert to tiff, which would open in PSE11.
    Windows download (.exe file) click here DNG Converter 8.2
    Mac download (.dmg file) click here DNG Converter 8.2
    You can convert a whole folder of raw images in one click. See this quick video tutorial:
    You Tube click here for DNG Converter tutorial

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Adobe Camera Raw for Photoshop (CC, CS6 and CC 2014) is an alternative way to install support for digital camera RAW formats. At times, installing the official Adobe installer isn't successful. This method, also an official Adobe product, seems to help.

The download includes a ZIP file and within there, an installer for Windows. Once the installer has completed, all of the newest camera models and lens models should be supported from directly within Photoshop.

Adobe Camera Raw for Photoshop also allows you to open RAW files from within Lightroom, exporting them to Adobe Photoshop for external editing.

Camera Raw for Photoshop on 32-bit and 64-bit PCs

Camera Raw Plugin For Adobe Bridge Cs4 Mac Download Free

This download is licensed as freeware for the Windows (32-bit and 64-bit) operating system on a laptop or desktop PC from graphics editors without restrictions. Camera Raw for Photoshop 13.0 is available to all software users as a free download for Windows 10 PCs but also without a hitch on Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Compatibility with this Photoshop plugin software may vary, but will generally run fine under Microsoft Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP on either a 32-bit or 64-bit setup. A separate x64 version may be available from Adobe.

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Camera Raw Plugin For Adobe Bridge Cs4 Mac Download Version

  1. Camera RAW for Photoshop Download
  2. Freeware Graphics Editors
  3. Photoshop Plugin Software